Types of Fungal Infections, Symptoms, diagnosis and Treatment
Fungal infections are more common than you might think, affecting millions of people…
Introduction Normally, the body breaks down carbohydrates from food and convert it into simple glucose, which can easily enter the bloodstream.…
Read moreDiscovery and History of Tuberculosis (TB): Tuberculosis has been a known disease for centuries, but it was Robert Koch who discover…
Read moreToothaches are more than just an annoyance, they're a sign that something isn’t right with your teeth. Anyone can get a toothache, and that ca…
Read moreSexually transmitted diseases (STDs) or infections also known as “Venereal diseases” are primarily transmitted through vaginal, oral or anal sex invo…
Read moreKey points: Throat (upper respiratory tract) infection caused commonly by virus less commonly by bacteria. Allergies, pollution, weak immunity, ar…
Read moreIt is the natural reflex of our respiratory system to clean our Airways (throat or lungs) by removing any irritant (smoke, dust particles, pollens…
Read moreDeep Mycoses (Fungal Infection) Deep mycoses , also known as systemic mycoses or invasive fungal infections, are caused by fungi that have the abil…
Read moreSuperficial Mycoses Superficial mycoses are fungal infections mainly caused by dermatophytes (a group of filamentous fungi) that possess the enzy…
Read moreWhat is Blood pressure (BP) and what causes it to be high? The blood always exerts force against the walls of arteries as it moves, creating a pressu…
Read moreWhat is Respiratory Allergy? If you have ever found yourself sneezing like crazy or feeling like your nose is constantly stuffed or running, you mi…
Read moreThe digestive sufferings such as Bloating, Gas, and Acid reflux or heartburn can ruin a delightful day. Bloating occurs when your belly feels sw…
Read moreWhat is urinary tract? The urinary tract is the system responsible for producing, storing, and removing urine out from the body. It consists of: Kidn…
Read moreIntroduction Smelly feet , also known as bromodosis , can be embarrassing and uncomfortable. This condition, is known as smelly feet or foot odor, c…
Read moreIntroduction It's normal for people to lose around 50 to 100 hair a day. Excessive and persistent loss of hair from the scalp (Head) is medical…
Read moreKey Facts about Pneumonia: It is a lung infection that causes inflammation and the filling of air sacs (alveoli) with fluid and pus, hindering norma…
Read moreWhat is obesity? Scientifically , obesity is the excessive accumulation of fat inside the body. However, Technically , it is related to poor dieta…
Read moreFungal infections are more common than you might think, affecting millions of people…
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